The Gift of Time


Time...according to Oprah the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of time. I've been grappling with this concept more than ever now that I am a mom. I keep asking myself how do I mindfully appreciate this special time of motherhood, even in the middle of the night when being woken up for the fourth time to cries and occasional tantrums? Can't I use my reiki magic and make her stop crying? I did so much mindful breathing exercises while pregnant, shouldn't that mean she should me the most peaceful baby ever? Or maybe I can visualize her in her peaceful zen world and wallah it will just happen. Haha, no! Reality check, she is still a baby, and crying is just one of her main forms of communication :). Yes indeed this time will pass. Embrace it I must! Bring it on, the ultimate test of being mindful.

These past few months have been an interesting introspective journey of discovery. My daily routines have gone out the door and I am starting to master the art of adaptability. Having a plan right now is totally overrated ;). Spontaneity is the new norm whether I like it or not ;).

I am loving this new chapter more and more each day, as her modes of communication start to expand. This week she had her first laugh! Suddenly I turned into that mom that was running to the phone to record this monumental moment, but then also thinking, wait why don't I stop and savour the moment instead of trying to record it? The luxury of technology has been a catch 22. I don't want to forget this stage, these first moments. I now look back at pictures from when she was born and am in awe of how quick she has changed. It's so amazing how this first year of life brings about more changes and growth then any other. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time!

I have learned that each stage is full of new surprises, and as much as it may be difficult to navigate, I know this time with her is the greatest gift I have ever had. My baby KK :)


Finding triggers


New Year, New me?