New Year, New me?

2020 was absolutely a year nobody will forget around the world. For me it was infused with many changes, and perhaps as a result the most growth. From pregnancy, to pandemic, to a world of zoom, to online teaching, to separation of loved ones, and the grand finale of becoming a mother! The new year is often a time where everyone stops and starts to plan new goals. However, the new can't be properly assessed without reflecting on the past. Through all that was 2020, what is the meaning and purpose I want to focus on for the new year? What will be my why?

I always ask myself how can I evolve and manifest a better, more conscious version of myself and help serve others? Being a mom now, I quickly realize how hard it is to plan anything. Planning goals seems more daunting than ever as my routines are no longer in my control anymore. My "purpose" is so different now, as I have a precious life that is forever now connected to me. It's a bit challenging to lose my independence, and lose "me" time, but I am reminded that this unique stage will pass fast. I can either embrace it all, or not.

However, what keeps me going is an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for all that I have been blessed with, particularly the little things. It has been exciting this holiday season having so many first experiences with our daughter. First smiles, first Christmas, first time seeing my parents and siblings meet Kylila, first family photos, first beach trips as a family of 3, first time greeting my family after not seeing them in a year in a mask and not being able to touch them, first time having my niece and nephew shower Kylila with love, and first time having my brother give Kylila a bath :).

2021 I don't know what new first time experiences will come of you, but whatever it is, I am ready and will do my best to embrace it all!


The Gift of Time


A new purpose