How to be a mindful mama 101


So its been 3 weeks since I have been back at work full time. 3 weeks of having to transition to that dreaded stage of leaving baby Kylila behind. How has it been? Thanks for asking...:). Well there is no doubt its a whole new ball game now. Time, the most precious commodity of all is now being extra challenged. I'm humbled and reassured by all the mothers who have walked this path before me, and I know I am so lucky to have support to facilitate this transition.

I have been lucky to find a trusting nanny to help, and have an amazing husband who is always one step ahead helping get me organized. However as expected, nothing quite compares to those first days of leaving for so long and the constant state of wonder of what's happening while I'm gone. What am I missing!?

To deal with that, I've been getting lots of videos and pictures sent through the day to help facilitate the separation. I've come to peace knowing she is in good hands, and I'm doing something that is good for me as well.

Readjusting to teaching during COVID is definitely a new learning curve as well. However teaching has been smooth and I'm enjoying the challenge. Before even beginning I have mentally committed to having a no stress moto! I know I am in full control of how I react to any and everything, and given how extra precious my time is now I am making every conscious effort to maintain a positive attitude through all the changes. I have been doing daily mindfulness activities with the students as well, which has brought me joy to share. Its these simple moments that remind me how impactful I can be....and I am committed to making each moment away count!


6 months shu?


We can do hard things