Rising from Pain

I feel so grateful. I am 9 months pregnant, living the Bali life, reading and trying to learn as much as I can before entering this time of "motherhood" which I anxiously await, and trying to consciously embrace it all. My lens has become hyper acute, I'm hungry to be hyper mindful as I thread through this transitionary stage. It's a bit daunting to think these are the final days ever of this stage in life as I know it, yet it's hard not to be connected and excited to await the future which will no doubt change everything.

I've started this ritual every morning of meditation, writing, and then walking to the beach solo and listening to podcasts with a different intention each day. Of course there Is usually a coconut involved at some point when possible as well :).

I was listening today about fear, and pain, and how often as friends or colleagues we struggle with supporting others in pain. Sometimes it's just not knowing what to say. Similarly with kids, as teachers or parents it's a struggle to know what of the many plethora of issues that come up in a day to focus on. What resonated with me was the idea that the struggle in the pain is so valuable, and it shouldn't be "fixed" or pushed away. Pain is where the growth happens, where the shifts in our mind can be cultivated, and where we can evolve, IF we let ourselves. Grief or pain can help lead to a voyage of purpose, to a fundamental growth in perspective. As friends, mentors, or teachers, what is most valuable to support during this time is providing space for vulnerability, and tools to help with this journey. Suppressing it just digs deeper wounds that will resurface eventually.

I'm hoping this website may provide a venue for children, teachers, and parents to unite and share wellbeing strategies that can help us all navigate all that makes us ache, (we all have triggers) embrace it, learn to flourish from what we already have inside, and activate strategies to allowing our heart to shine amidst the clouds ;).


Home of the brave and land of the free


Embedding and Attitude of Gratitude