Riding the waves

My best surfing yet :)

This morning as I was having my mindful time alone on the beach I became entranced by the waves crashing. I stopped mid jog and just stared at the water, thinking of how these waves never stop...the frequency and intensity changes, but they keep coming, again and again. A constant, which can be quite mesmerizing to watch. I started thinking of how these waves are symbolic of life. Each day we wake we are given the gift of life. Our breath, in and out, reminding us we are alive.

Yet on this beautiful journey of life, inevitably those waves keep coming. Challenges, fears, tragedies, they crash on us no matter how hard we may try to build a safety bubble. Even if its not our own "crashes," it doesn't take long in this world of social media to instantly be sucked into the lives and stories of others around the world. It's so easy to live vicariously through others newsfeeds, feel the energy of that which we feed our mind.

Being Lebanese, I am inundated with news on Lebanon on a daily basis. Having lived there and family there makes me feel this unending pull to this special place. However it's a daily conundrum, how do I manage all this influx of news on tragedy, feel proactive in the process in my contribution, and not let it completely weigh me down?

The same question comes up for different waves constantly. I have to stop myself from the weight crashing me down, and shift my perspective. Yes I am human, yes I can care, but still manage my reactions. I ask myself, what can I do, how is this anger and fear being channeled to the best interest of myself and those around me? A spiral of anxiety is absolutely not healthy, and will not manifest the best version my mind and body. What do I choose to feed my mind?

I revert back to my training in mindfulness, another constant in my life. I come back to my breathe, close my eyes, remind myself of all the blessings I am surrounded by, see my babies smile in my mind, and I'm back! Strong and fierce, ready to conquer the next wave.

How do you choose to ride your waves?


Reflections on first year of mamahood.


3 time zones later